About Dr. Willybroad Ambe

Dr. Willybroad Ambe

Member of Board of Directors

Dr. Willybroad Ambe, with a diverse educational background spanning banking, finance, and healthcare from prestigious institutions such as the University of Arlington, the University of Iowa, and Walden University, has seamlessly transitioned from a medical provider to a successful entrepreneur.

Founder of Paris Enterprises LLC and Paris Healthcare LLC

Dr. Willybroad Ambe

Member of BoD

Dr. Willybroad Ambe, with a diverse educational background spanning banking, finance, and healthcare from prestigious institutions such as the University of Arlington, the University of Iowa, and Walden University, has seamlessly transitioned from a medical provider to a successful entrepreneur. Driven by his passion for cardiovascular research, he dedicates his time to volunteering at the University of Iowa, aiming to reduce re-hospitalization rates among cardiovascular patients.

With nearly two decades of experience in healthcare and innovation, Dr. Ambe made the decision to shift his focus to entrepreneurship and trading in the stock and futures markets. As the owner of Paris Enterprises LLC and Paris Healthcare LLC, specializing in real estate and home healthcare respectively, he embodies humility coupled with cutting-edge entrepreneurial expertise.

Raised in Douala and Bamenda, Cameroon, Willybroad finds joy in family life, happily married to his beloved Malike Ambe and proud father of two children. Residing in Wylie, Texas, Willybroad is not only a well-connected social technician but also possesses a discerning taste for fashion. Whether on the soccer field, where he enjoys playing 2-3 times a week, or in business dealings, Willybroad is known for his results-oriented approach and ability to blend seamlessly into any environment.

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